DTCoin founder Daniele Marinelli aiming at the Metaverse success! The idea of the Metaverse was born in the 1992, when Neal Stephenson introduced the concept of metaverse in its fanta-cyberpunk book Snow Crash. At the time we were only talking about literature and science fiction. Today the situation is a bit different because mankind is getting closer to creating something that was only in our imagination or in a movie (enough to think about “Avatar” launched in 2009). But how is the creation of the metaverse going? A recent announcement on Facebook stated that the social network was changing name to Meta and going to adopt this new kind of technology: this really excited lots of users. However, a full loaded and functioning Metaverse is not here yet because while there are many people intrigued with this new technology, the tech experts believe that getting the metaverse up and running will still take some years. Let’s have a look at Daniele Marinelli’s most popular topics about metaverse, crypto and big data, to go into detail.
While we are not exactly sure about the definitive release date, we can surely try to write down a good definition of the Metaverse. At the question “what is the Metaverse?” DTCoin founder answers in the following way: the Metaverse is a digital space where people can enjoy each other’s company in a way that was imagined before in sci-fi movies and novels. What Metaverse will become once fully developed, is a digital online world where people will travel thanks to the latest development in 3D technology and where they will immerse themselves in a digital reality to make different experiences: interact with other users thanks to a customizable avatar, go to concerts, listen to conferences, and have commercial and financial transactions.
> >> Daniele Marinelli, World Economic Forum !!! Davos WEF https://www.weforum.org/
>>> Daniele Marinelli on NASDAQ! Read the full interview here:
Before 2021, the concept of Metaverse was confined to gaming, but the path chosen by Facebook changed everything. In 2021 the word Metaverse was suddenly known by an enormous quantity of people, and today when the topic of the conversation is the Metaverse, everyone pretends to know exactly what we are talking about, even if they are not technology experts. Facebook decided to go for a radical change in the future by committing most of its resources to the Metaverse project, devoting all the efforts to the creation of an immersive social network created using the best 3D technologies available. So, after this announcement was spread, everyone was talking about the Metaverse, and it became one of the greatest trends regarding the online world.
Metaverse and remote working with Daniele Marinelli
Since the pandemic has started we became used to work remotely and most workers have spent months working from their homes, staying in touch with their colleagues (and the world in general) only thanks to platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Meet and many others. Using Metaverse could really improve the way we work remotely as we understand it today. In fact, thanks to the Metaverse you could have the opportunity to recreate your work environment and give the opportunity to workers to carry out important meetings within the Metaverse itself, giving everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience of a digital workplace and somehow bringing people closer to each other again.
The Metaverse is really something that is shaking the Tech world and many companies are conflicted about it. Many believe that Metaverse is something that will have a huge impact on the world of social networks because the possibility to create an immersive experience in the digital world for the user seems amazing and this has been intuited by social networks like Facebook. Others believe that the true potential of Metaverse will only be useful in the gaming space. And it’s certainly true that the technologies used for the Metaverse were originally developed and created for video games and, as they grow, they will greatly improve the gamers experience whilst playing, providing an extra layer of immersion during gameplay.
Nonetheless we strongly believe that the Metaverse potential lays elsewhere and that it will create an ocean of new opportunities both for business and everyday life!!!
Mankind has always had a great moment of improvement and technological development after great crises, and this looks just like one of these moments. The last few years have been harsh because of the pandemic and technologies like the ones behind Metaverse could really improve the quality of our lives. The Metaverse can be used by many people forced to stay home to enjoy the outside world even when it’s just a digital copy of the real one.
Daniele Marinelli’s blog: investments on Metaverse?
One of the most curious facts about the upcoming Metaverse is the possibility of investing real money in fictional objects. These kinds of transactions are very famous in video games, and some of them based their business model on frequent low prices transactions, called micro-transactions. There are many free online games where you can spend real money to buy something cool for your account or your character and if something like this works for regular videogames why shouldn’t it work for the Metaverse? But the Metaverse is taking this concept to the next level and even famous companies are beginning to consider investing considerable sums of money buying land in the metaverse because it can be the future of online life. Think for example about the possibility of organizing concerts that take place in the Metaverse instead of the real world and other similar scenarios. Here’s an abstract from Daniele Marinelli’s blog (DTSocialize, DTCoin, Ushare).
In addition to the major companies also VIPs seem to be interested in the Metaverse and many of them have also decided to take advantage of their high income and accumulated finances to make large investments in the Metaverse. So, there are real investment opportunities in this world, especially if you want to buy construction sites and other places where you can build virtual buildings or houses. So, for example in some existing Metaverses, you can buy a simple plot of land and turn it into the House of your dreams or the headquarters of your company. However, we must consider the fate that many people are getting involved by this latest trend only because it is the fashion of the moment and for all intents and purposes, they have not well understood what the Metaverse can really represent for society in this particular and difficult historical moment that has influenced our lives, often for the worse, in recent years.
From pure gaming to creating an alternative life
The Metaverse was first developed within the gaming industry, Daniele Marinelli says. The idea was quite brilliant at the time, to use the latest technology such as augmented reality and 3D goggles to give video game players a fully immersive experience, literally transporting them into the game and having to see through the eyes of the hero of that game. This was astonishing, and many major video game brands decided to invest in this new idea for gaming. However, after some time, the idea behind Metaverse was used to create a second, digital, world where people could go thanks to these new technologies and experience things that, maybe, they couldn’t in their real lives.
It’s not a surprise that the idea of Metaverse is becoming particularly popular for the newest generation. The members of this generation often welcome the newest trends in technology such as the Metaverse because they are quite accustomed to it, some might say that they already had a smartphone in the maternal womb. It’s only natural for a generation like this to welcome such progress while others may see the Metaverse as something that will have a bad influence on humankind. The Metaverse could represent the next step in spending more and more time in our online life rather than in the real one. In fact, we must consider that we are spending much of our time online already, glued to all kinds of screens to follow social networks and apps so that we can keep up with the news and be updated on the latest trends. This bad connotation of the Metaverse may be caused by the fact that many people believe that the Metaverse will be the definitive excuse for people who already spend most of their day online to fully live their lives behind a screen.
This is not something that we can deny because today, even without the Metaverse there are people who spend too much time of their life on the internet, and maybe the largest part of the new generations is more confident about their abilities while using a keyboard in the safety of their homes than in real life. This is a problem that we cannot underestimate and technologies, such as the Metaverse, should be used only to improve our life and not to fully replace it. Can our online alter egos become more important than ourselves? If we notice that we care more about achieving something online rather than achieving something important in our real lives maybe, we should reconsider our relationship with technology.
Metaverse nonetheless stays as a great opportunity and its success and correct use will only depend on the way we build it and teach others to use it, deploying its potential without surrendering to the dark side of it.
DTSocialize, a new universe of technology companies
DTSocialize Holding is an emerging, all-Italian reality which is making its way more and more in the world of new technologies and which, thanks to its innovative ideas, is attracting the interest of a growing target audience.
This holding, formed by a set of cutting-edge technology companies, offers members of its community the opportunity to carry out financial transactions, to socialize and, last but not least, to communicate in a single ecosystem that includes multiple platforms, Daniele Marinelli says.
Among its services, in addition to tailor made digital financial solutions in line with the needs of the contemporary world, we find messaging and socialization tools and connectivity hardware.
Umetaworld, the metaverse of DTSocialize that anticipates the one of Facebook
In the previous months Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has made all the global media talk, stating that, in the future, he intends to create a metaverse, a world different from our physical reality, in which users can interact with each other and perform different actions.
The metaverse, however, has been already used for a while in the gaming world and there are others that started to work much earlier on metaverse.
While Zuckerberg is still talking about it, DTSocialize has already been planning for two years the launch of its own metaverse and, in the next few months, Umetaworld will be available to users, having been already launched its Beta version.
Umetaworld, DTSocialize’s exclusive metaverse platform, will replicate the real world in every detail and provide its community with augmented reality solutions.
At the moment the technicians of DTSocialize Holding are working hard to create digital IDs, developed using NFT technology, to allow users to access , but soon the metaverse will become a reality … and well before that of Facebook!
The goal, as also underlined by CEO Daniele Marinelli, is to guarantee a certain and safe identification when using the services that will be part of the DT World.
Why is the DTSocialize community growing more every day?
There are many reasons why the DTSocialize community is growing more and more with each passing day. The first, and the one that left everyone speechless when it was announced, is that users, when they enter the DTSocialize universe, are rewarded for sharing their data.
The rewarding system comes into operation from the first moment in which users consent to use the DTSH services. The second is that, unlike other similar systems, the entire ecosystem of DTSocialize has been created only with the best technologies, which protect the privacy of users and, at the same time, guarantee absolute confidentiality. The third and last, but not least, is that DTSocialize offers its community an experience without limits, and without interruptions, on platforms where they can transact, manage their assets, communicate, buy and socialize, both in the virtual world and in the real one.